Най-мощните оръжия в света (видео)
07 октомври, 2006
most powerful gun
a mini gun that can fire 3000 rounds of bullets a minute
The most powerful handgun in the world
Thompson Encore (fancy version of the Thompson Contender). The Caliber... 600 Nitro Express.
Metal Storm (Worlds Most Powerful Handgun)
The "Metal Storm" pistol, which can never jam, is the fastest firing and most powerful handgun in the world. This video also covers the larger "Metal Storm" weapons, which can fire 16,000 9mm rounds per second and 250,000 40mm grenades in a minute.
Ben With Wall Gun
Ben Loula firing a .98 caliber wall piece. This weapon is 6 feet tall and weighs 20 pounds. It'd be loaded with buckshot and fired at the enemy when he attempted to climb the pallisade walls of a fort.

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