TASER вече не е non-lethal (несмъртоносно) оръжие
03 октомври, 2005
Taser Changes Marketing Language
PHOENIX -- Taser International Inc. has voluntarily changed some of its broad safety claims and limited its use of the word "non-lethal" in an effort to appease Arizona officials concerned about possibly misleading marketing, officials said Wednesday.
The move by the nation's largest maker of stun guns comes as the Securities and Exchange Commission investigates the company and as the Arizona Attorney General's Office conducts its own inquiry into safety claims.
On Tuesday, Taser said the SEC had stepped up an informal inquiry and was conducting an expanded official investigation of claims Taser has made about safety studies; an end-of-year sale analysts have questioned because it appeared to inflate sales to meet annual projections; and the possibility that outsiders acquired internal company information to manipulate the stock price.
In January, Arizona Attorney General Terry Goddard said his office was probing claims Taser has made about safety studies on its products.
Taser President Tom Smith said company officials met with the Attorney General's Office several times since January and have made changes to the way they characterize the weapon's safety to consumers.
According to Taser and the Attorney General's Office, the stun gun maker submitted a list of language changes the company has already made, including an 18-point "product warning."
Among the changes, Taser explains that it uses the term non-lethal as defined by the Department of Defense _ which doesn't mean the weapon can't cause death, but that it's not intended to be fatal.
Other changes include substituting the phrase "leave no lasting after effects" to "are more effective and safer than other use-of-force options."
Taser began marketing police stun guns in 1998 as a way to subdue combative people in high-risk situations. Now, more than 8,000 law enforcement agencies and military installations use them worldwide.
But critics say the stun guns have been used too liberally by police and have contributed to scores of deaths. Amnesty International has compiled a list of more than 100 people the group says have died after being shocked in scuffles with lawmen.
Taser maintains that no deaths have been directly caused by the weapon alone.
Company shares fell 47 cents, or 7.4 percent, to close at $5.88 Wednesday on the Nasdaq Stock Market, a new 52-week low.
The Associated Press
Wednesday, September 28, 2005; 10:44 PM
The Associated Press
Wednesday, September 28, 2005; 10:44 PM
Taser больше не «нелетальный»
Жесткая критика и целая череда смертей, причиной которых слало применение нелетального оружия «Taser», заставили руководство компании Taser International Inc пересмотреть маркетинговую политику. Под давлением общественных организаций официально со вчерашнего дня продукция Taser перестает быть «non-lethal» («нелетальной»). Данное слово, по мнению правоведов, вводит в заблуждение потенциальных покупателей и представляет неверную информацию о продукте.
Помимо этого компанию обязали составить список предостережений при обращении с пистолетами Taser, а также возможных противопоказаний их применения. Уже сейчас в списке значится 18 пунктов.
Напомним, что пистолеты Taser за последние два года были приняты на вооружение в полицейских органах нескольких стран, включая США, Великобританию и др. С этого года в Америке началась продажа гражданских версий «нелетального» оружия. Но факт доказательства его «летальности» (всего от применения Taser погибло более ста человек) привел компанию на грань пропасти – акции уже достигли рекордного минимума за год, упав в эту среду на 7,4 процента, а возможные судебные иски против «Taser International Inc.» грозят нанести серьезный финансовый ущерб компании.
Юрий Владимиров

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